Tuesday 6 September 2016


Work at the comfort of your home carries with it the thought of staying at home during your whole working hours and seems more convenient and enticing as you first look at it. If you are working 8 to 5 during weekdays since you left your alma mater and you’ve been doing it for more than a decade, chances are you are looking for something that is more convenient, more comfortable in terms of your time and travel management.
You may even think that it is too tiresome and boring spending 5 to 6 hours by just preparation and travel time to and from work. If we add all these 5 hours for 5 days, you will have a total of 25 hours in a week spending for preparation and travel time alone. It’s one hour more than one day and one night. So, you have a total of 4 days, 4 nights and 4 hours in a month of 4 weeks and more than if the month has 5 weeks. If we compute it in a year, 49 days, 48 nights and 4 hours. That’s equivalent to one and half month! Imagine the number of hours spending every single day to prepare for the job! Enough to finish one or two modules in online courses!
Though, working from home is effective and more productive for others, reality is, you need to strictly balance and manage your time and observe it so well. Otherwise, you may find it so unproductive and too tiresome!

Things to consider to avoid eating up your scheduled time allocated for your work.
  • Conversion of your home to an office workplace mode. where you can entertain and receive work related visitors; where you can’t be disturbed by unnecessary noise or unnecessary activities so you can focus at your deliverables.
  • Time management. When you are at home, time seems flies so fast and even before you know it, your eight hours were already gone. Worst, if you are not careful and not strictly observing time management, you will end the day without any accomplishment.
  • Focus. If you are working in a place at home which are not secluded or you are working in a place which is accessible by everyone, you can easily get distracted by everything around you, the irresistible movement of your favorite dog or cat, and most of the times, everyone in the family thinks you are free to talk to them or attend to any query or doing things for them because you are just at home. And sometimes, they will not understand that you are actually working even you are staying at home. Worse, they will easily engage you in a discussion! If you are not conscious enough, you will be definitely out of focus!
  • Errands.  In a workplace (at the office), you will not be bothered in every errand at home because of your absence physically. Or maybe, it is easy to program your mind that you will do all home errands before or after work. On the other hand, working at home, there is a temptation to procrastinate having in mind that, ‘anyway, I will just be at home, I can do it as soon as I finished my deliverables ‘or ‘I can do it while I am taking my short break’. When not properly scheduled or not observing the schedule, you will end up spending your times doing petty things and neglecting the most important one – missing the deadlines.
  • Meal time. If you do cooking for the family’s meal, you will spend much of your time in the preparation and dining with the family. Regularly, dining table talks take much longer than expected. And if you will not properly observe the time allocated for this activities, you will be surprised that your time already elapsed without accomplishing the scheduled output.

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