Sunday 21 August 2016


To live in this world full of uncertainties and insecurities, it is very important to cope up with all the challenges that come along the way. And for every hardships and difficulties, it is always a wise choice to bounced back after every encounter.
Whenever persons came to us and share their afflictions, a family members, relatives, friends, colleagues or maybe an acquaintance  it is very easy for us to give either solicited or unsolicited advice such as: ‘they must keep going even how bad the situation is’, ‘everything will just come to pass’, ‘those bad circumstances are being used to make them strong’, ‘they can surely handle it because a person will not be given a problem that he cannot handle’ and other advices that will somehow rekindle them.
But things are different and is always easier said than done if we are the one passing through the hardships and difficulties in life. During those situations, we may feel we are left behind, helpless, forsaken, worthless, and every negative words that will keep us down and so powerless more than we could imagine.
There are five important things I keep on thinking and doing whenever the situations call me to be RESILIENT.
  • ACCEPTANCE. I accept that I am not alone to experience this kind of situation and I am not exempted for those anxieties in life.
  • SORT THINGS OUT. As the situation is not going the way they should be or what happening is totally different from my expectations, it is my best time to pause for a while and do some personal assessments. Review what are the contributory factors and know what are those controllable and non-controllable. These things are one of the most important in making final decision and how to proceed.
  • FAMILY SUPPORT. Being open to the family members is crucial. It is where I can get moral and intellectual support. It is also very important that everyone in the family knows what I am going through so they will understand and never be cruel and at lost because I may behave strangely at times. It is always great comfort and source of strength to know I have a family who is there to support me even in most difficult situations.
  •  FRIENDS AND RELATIVES SUPPORT. I have many relatives and friends for sure. But being a reserved and private type of person, I seldom share to my relatives and friends about my personal problems. Although, there are instances that I can’t avoid to let them know, I limit my communication with them specially if they can do nothing about the situation. I just ask from them to include me in their prayers and assure them that it is really a big help for me.
  • LOOKING FOR SOLUTIONS. It is true that worrying won’t do anything good to the problem. Whenever I am worried, I always keep in mind that if there’s a problem there is always a solution. I just need to formulate what are the best solutions. It is very important that solutions to the problem must not create other problem in the long run.
  • KEEP GOING WHILE WAITING. When hardship and difficulties seems so unbearable, part of my mind says, it is better for me to evaporate and get lost in this world so that I can no longer feel the pain, while other part of my mind says, life is not that bad at all, it has in store something better for me and I should never give up knowing very well that patience is a virtue because, really, good thing happens to those who patiently waits and persevere.
On top of these points, I would say, PRAYER is my most powerful source of strength and wisdom to COPE UP AND NOT LOSING HOPE.

Thank you so much for reading this. I hope I helped in one way or another.