Sunday 18 September 2016

God is Full of Compassion yet His Wrath is Disastrous (Psalm 78)

v. 38 But He being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not; yea, many a time turned He His anger away, and did not stir up all His wrath.
v. 39 For He remembered that they were but flesh; a wind that passeth away, and cometh not again.
The Lord our Heavenly Father is merciful, full of compassion, forgives iniquities, though many times we commit sins He turned away His anger because He knows that we are flesh and so weak, come and pass thru this life only once.

God is full of compassion and merciful knowing that human are but flesh.
God chooses to turn away His wrath and forgave their iniquity, destroyed not the Israelites despite of their sin of unbelief, murmuring and other sinful act against God while in their journey to get out from bondage in Egypt.

God's chosen people provoked Him.
In Psalm 78, His chosen nation, the Israelites turned away God for so many times, provoked Him, doing what He hated most- worshipping idols, murmuring and always seeking their small pleasure in Egypt not minding how God will bless them out of Egypt. They never think much about how blessed they are being chosen people by the powerful God despite of His many miracles and His will to take them away from bondage in the land of Egypt.

Christians today commit same sin against God.
This scenario is also applied to us a Christians nowadays. Despite that immeasurable love for us by the Heavenly Father and Loving God, when He gave His only begotten Son for the emancipation of our sin and save us from the eternal damnation, we are still murmuring how difficult our lives are, worrying too much about the things on this earth, thinking and acting like God never know what we need in our life.

God loves His children and able to provide all their needs.
Come to think of it, if God the Father can give His Only Begotten Son to die for our sin, can’t He give us what we really need? God attribute is love. And as a Father in Heaver, He cares much about His children. If we, human knows how to love much our children how much our Father in Heaven!  Can’t He not help us and provide our needs? He is sovereign and nothing impossible to Him. His help is on time; He is still sitting on the throne at still at work.

Christians must know very well the result and consequence of the sin of unbelief.
We should be very careful to be unbelieving, murmuring and always comparing little things to what God will give us when He brought us to the place that He wants us to be, a place where we can worship Him. God hates the unbelieving heart. And when He hates, He forsakes. Much more of this sin of unbelief, God can forsake and destroy us just like what He did to His chosen people, the Israelites.

Christians must be wise to choose God's will over permissive will.
With all of these things, having free will, we can choose between God’s will and permissive will. At the end of the day, what prevailed was a result of our choice. 

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