Tuesday 29 September 2020

Honey Ginger Garlic Home Remedy For Natural Immune System Booster Great ...

Honey Ginger Garlic Home Remedy For Natural Immune System Booster Great For Cold and Flu Prevention.
Honey, garlic, and ginger are known for their health and medicinal benefits.
We are using this mixture since my childhood days and I can say it is really effective to prevent cough, colds, and even flu.
To avoid its strong smell after intake, take immediately a glass of milk.
We take one tablespoon on an empty stomach whenever we feel we are about to get sick.
It is very easy to prepare and budget-friendly too.
500ml honey
200g ginger
3 whole garlic
Blend properly ginger and garlic until smooth
Mix honey, ginger, and garlic to make it paste
Store in the fridge.
It will last for 6 months.

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Be happy, be healthy!

Tuesday 1 September 2020

Top 5 Foods That Help You Lose Weight, Live Longer and Healthier| Health...

In this video, you will see the top 5 foods that help you lose weight, live longer, and healthier.
The following are the top 5 foods that if you include in your diet regularly, it will give you excellent result of losing weight:

These foods have lots in common, there are loaded with essentials nutrients, vitamins, and mineral.
If you are determined to lose weight and get the desired body size and shape in no time, discipline yourself to eat healthy food without the need to be reminded by other people.

Should you need some more clarification, pls write comment below and I am more than glad to reply.

Thanks so much for watching!❤️
Be healthy, be happy!